

Local FGO, GFL, GBF and AK player.
SF enthusiast, now waiting for more sangvis units to drop in EN for GFL n saving for Summers and Draco/Tiamat in FGO.

フォロー数:602 フォロワー数:201

I know I said I'd do the EX maps and so fat I've done literally nome of the ones I need to do because I'm a dumbass, got all the ranking rewards at least but now another GBF grind has come back.
So just gonna use a guide because fuck it, those ST Para orbs hurt my manticores.

1 2

Got one last long ass shift so I'll post stuff about Summer Architect when I get home and get her.
Still gonna have to do a ton of grinding in AK and FGO to get everything done I time before events end.

2 15

Got my runs of Core 8 done, feels real cursed having to use rescue fairy for the buffs over the utility but it worked anyways so feels good to be able to do them now.
Still G11 mod 3 and M200 are the mvps in my case but I hear AS Val mod 3 is good for that last wave too.

3 19

Time for Theater and only just realised there's 20 back up slots for the core stuff so wouldn't surprise me if that was there for the previous tiers and I was just a dumbass or whatever but still remember to use em.

1 11

I want all the faces that Destroyer and Dreamer make in the anime, once the season is over I'm just gonna go through it all and that a ton of screenshots of SF ringleaders

1 14

Merry Christmas you guys, hope you all have a great day and try not to get too shitfaced.

3 35

Well it's time for the long shifts to start again so yay for my next month of work to be a pain in the ass (mainly because I can't balance games for shit on 12 hour shifts)

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A friend on Discord sent me this so y'all should see it too.

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For real though I'll try to get chapter 11 main story done before going back to work in a few days because I still don't actually know if the logistics in chapter 12 are good or not.
Not gonna use guides unless I absolutely have to as per usual because am monke.

1 9

Only one more day of grinding QP in FGO then I'll get back to 0-2 exp grinding, that or going for old limited's I missed since the new system makes my OCD about collecting even worse.

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