

Amanda 💁🏻‍♀️ Married 💍 Aspiring fantasy writer. I love my family, friends and country 🇺🇸♥️🤍💙 Anime, Disney, Todd Haberkorn fan! Fairy Tail 👆🏻

フォロー数:9732 フォロワー数:8846

Omg my husband surprised me with pizza for dinner tonight and we legit didn’t even realize it was 🤯

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Whoohoo got my tax refund today!!! Too bad almost all of it needs to go to bills haha

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The entertainment district arc of Demon Slayer is freaking amazing! I never watch subs unless I have to but I just couldn’t wait for the english dub to come out. I may even need to read ahead in the manga! Love this show ♥️

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Wtf is going on in Demon Slayer with these muscular mice?? 🤣 At first I thought they were just in Inoskue’s head lmao. I guess they needed some comic relief in the entertainment district arc!

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Just bought an absurd amount of Rengoku Demon Slayer merchandise on ebay!!! 🙊🤩

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Been calling my doctor a week and a half to refill my damn pills, still not done

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When no one returns your txts all freaking night and we live in a world where our phones are attached to us lmao

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Just watched the Mugan Train Arc of Demonslayer

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Me today at work…how was everyone else’s day? Lol

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