

Furvilla is a browser-based game where you can create you own furry animal characters! UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP as of October 2018.

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:4189

Today we have a cross fox, gold platinum fox, and silver fox :)

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Pirates!!! Who's going to have some pirates in their Furvilla group?

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More cats - snowshoe, grey tabby, and siamese. Told ya!

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Mer cat, mer horse, and mer wolf!

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Mer dragon! Mer fox! Mer rabbit! :)

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We will have these buttons (and more as they're made!!) available at Midwest Furfest!

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Some new wolves are here (sort of wolves). African Wild Dog, Jackal, Red Wolf

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And here we have some Furvilla rabbits!

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Mer-Furries! Sketches of our aquatic costume designs. Oceandome represent!

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