

I'm alive in a lake, with no audible sound. Something like everyone I ever known is around me and it looks like I let them all down...somehow.

フォロー数:220 フォロワー数:11

Heeeey! Im Fayael, I draw characters, covers and fanart.
Thank you so much for this.

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Hey soy Omar (Fayael) estudiante mexicano de 21 años, artista digital/ilustrador de personajes, portadas y fanart😁 Si están interesados en mi trabajo pueden mandar DM o si les gusta podrían apoyarme dando rt.

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I was so excited about the here's my prompt 1: meister. Thanks to 🕸️

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Hi! Im Fayael, im still a beginner on social media but heres some of my art :3

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