DREAMIN' ORION 🦋さんのプロフィール画像

DREAMIN' ORION 🦋さんのイラストまとめ

I wanna be just like a melody
Just like a simple sound
Like in harmony

フォロー数:883 フォロワー数:272

you guys coming to brazil? zera is coming to brazil yknow. something you guys arent doing. if you dont come to brazil you will never know the expeirence of saying goodnight to people on brazillian times. inhumane behaviour. zera has said goodnight to the brazillains. have you?

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golf is honestly a really fun sport when lots of people are involved. in this goodnight zera message, i will show you guys the beauty of golf.
first, theres normal golf. you swing the shit outta that thing
second, minigolf. you swing it nicely.
third, zeragolf. you say goodnight

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i think zera would be amazing at playing the peak social murder interaction game, Among Us. they would kill and slaughter and maim and destroy every single person in front of them. such sussiful behaviour must be stopped... for the sake of wishing zera a plentiful goodnight.

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im not feeling crative today sorry. goodnight zera.
ok theyre asleep. quick question. anyone know how horses put eggs? thsi is urgent help help help help

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what do these two have in common?

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Goodnight Zewa!! I wuv uuuuuu!! =^.^= Youwe so coooll!!!! Sleeep well fwiend º3º AahhahahahahahAHhahahahahAhahhahahAHahhAhahahahahhahahahhaHaHAHAHhaHaHAHahhahahaHAHAHahhAHahaHAhahAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

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im drinking water right now. this post is to remember you to drink water sideways, and to do a wheelie on the next time you go bike. also, turn around seven times when you see a brunette on the street and jump into traffic. count to the 837th digit of pi. wish goodnight to zera.

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This is no time for goodnights, Zera.
Grab your bat.
Let's play baseball, you and me.
Nine hours.
Nine innings.
Nine murders.
Extra violence.
Now... Prepare yourself.
For this... Is the ball game.
Say goodnight, Zera, for the innocence of the ball.

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PCiel doesn't have brown boots to match sou's pants and neither does she have neck accessory, but I managed to freestyle the scarf's color to her skirt.
Vlov looks awesome, which makes him not very sou hiyori-like, but still good enough. Perfect for bullying people online.

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