

ଫ୍ଯାଲ୍‌କୂପା ◈ Call me Fal ◈ 28 y/o IT Worker ◈ I like games, anime, tech and languages ◈ He/him

フォロー数:996 フォロワー数:7158

In two years I'll be her

0 15

Xeno fans are suffering again

3 56

Hope they do an Indian location sometime, I need them.

0 13

F-Zero guy: EEYIKES! I have had F-"Zero" games since 2004.
Dame Da Ne Guy: Don't worry!!! My studio are Dame Da N-experts! We won't let your series Baka Mi-Die!!

25 102

"Wow Mori Calliope has been around for a while" https://t.co/uytuiV4bwy

2 13

If they ever remake the Fire Emblem Tellius games (as has been rumoured for a while) I hope they give Altina a more promiment mention when the game talks about its mythologies, and maybe even expand upon her life.

10 81

Me in a 3rd world country who will just have to settle for a digital copy

0 1

In hindsight, it is odd that they haven't done a duo of Marth and Roy, since they were the first Fire Emblem characters we ever saw. https://t.co/ZY2WPs9Ico

1 18

Did we seriously get Pokémon named smol and chonk lmao

10 84

Whoever at Pokémon Company keeps greenlighting muscular women designs has my eternal gratitude

30 220