

Freelance StarCraft caster! StarCraft 2, Brood War, StarCraft Remastered! youtube.com/falconpaladin - twitch.tv/falconpaladin

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More Pod! Scarlett playing Brood War! Dreamhack stuff! https://t.co/rQsMj7RVmm

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New Pod Day! Somicron gets interrupted by suburban living! We talk Deca Dence (which you should watch) and StarCraft! https://t.co/rQsMj7RVmm

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Are you ready for some nerd power? Time for a live broadcast of the FalconPaladin Hour! Now! https://t.co/3JnFCSd2ia

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What's this? Two podcasts in two days??? Crazy windstorms in Falcon's neck of the woods! Deca-Dence talk! talk, too! https://t.co/Y4HRJxeFI8

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It's been two weeks, but here's a new Talking Halo novels, and GSL stuff! Falcon talks ! https://t.co/0MWiJCSrbQ

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Live streamed over at https://t.co/3JnFCRVqTA! We talk GSL! And Sportsball! Falcon's kids are playing

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Ever wanted to watch a live recording of the FalconPaladin Hour? Now's your chance! https://t.co/BekK1rHx1i

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Somicron joins the VR community! Synergy is bad sometimes! ByuN is BACK, baby! Falcon impaled his foot through carelessness! https://t.co/HlsrawioHR

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🎶Are you ready for some nerd power?🎶 We're talking and Deca Dence and Halo: the Master Chief Collection! https://t.co/nU6zNi8hmd

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NEW POD! Is mech viable in 2? https://t.co/jGnoGInRlT Remember when buildings could cloak? GSL talk!

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