

existence is existential so can we all just forget this

フォロー数:133 フォロワー数:282

Pro tip: if you are diamond don’t attempt to coach someone 🤡 leave that to the ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL RL COACHES

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You have won a TW fennec log in with your steam credentials and use code: BLYAT

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Homie... I have to play diamond level 1s players.. that is way more infuriating than getting the ring dinger but someone with a dumb name on da baby

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Damn 75 days in a row and you still stink at car ball... that’s rough man

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Anything less than rank X

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Not even every rank ssl pshhhhh

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The asterias are clearly the alpha choice

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Brought to you by Tweet format bot 9000

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It can fit a whole V2 engine in there

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