

Professional wrestler trained by the late Buddy Wayne. From Kokomo, Ind. based out of Seattle, Wash. Lead trainer at @BWProAcademy since 2017.

フォロー数:373 フォロワー数:1278

Wait… really? (X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green

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I was very lukewarm when this “event” was announced but the creators involved kept me open-minded. So glad I was— I’m all in. It’s really good. (Avengers•X-Men•Eternals: Judgement Day

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😬 (DC vs Vampires: All-Out War

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Solid first issue. The writing holds up. The art absolutely does. 👍🏾👍🏾

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Ayyyy, there’s that line.

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Yeah… there’s absolutely no way I had the patience for this dialogue as a 14-year old.

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Always tip the cleaning staff! (AXE: Judgement Day

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Wait… is this series done!? (A Righteous Thirst For Vengeance

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When people ask if the pain/injuries are the worst part about pro wrestling and I explain yes but sometimes no… (X-Men ‘92: House of XCII

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