

Dedicated to classic fantasy RPG video games, retro anime, and other related areas of interest

フォロー数:10016 フォロワー数:16624

Beautiful official holiday art from Sonic Jam (1997)

34 88

I really have a hard time convincing people to play the Dungeons & Dragons arcade games. They're intimidated by arcade emulation 😩

So I made these step-by-step help guides. What do you think? Are they helpful?



30 131

Evolution of Mana Series World Maps 🗺️
Final Fantasy Adventure (GB), Secret of Mana (SNES), Trials of Mana (SNES)

15 73

Wouldn't it be amazing if Studio Ghibli made a Legend of Zelda movie? This fan artist made a gorgeous trailer to let us dream such a concept ❤️

5 76

Actual footage of people up North plowing their snow 🌨️🚗

- Ice Digger in Phantasy Star 4 (Genesis/Mega Drive)

37 158

With these shots, I had to get creative with dithering and thickening the black strokes to make the backgrounds clearer.

It's supposed to be the Statue of Liberty's head in back of Eve 🗽 I wasn't successful making her clearer.

13 99

I love demake art! I tried making some myself. I'm not a skilled pixel artist, but I'm good at Photoshop. I attempted to colorize Super Mario RPG as if it were a Game Boy Classic game. What do you think?

76 410

Don’t forget to drink from the recovery spring ✨⛲️

- Final Fantasy IX (PS1)

42 177