

Your favorite pokémon trainer from the Unova region! Though I may look a bit different then you’re used too~! || Fat kink rp account!

フォロー数:75 フォロワー数:366
# wg fatrp

“Huh..? What do you mean all those rare candies went to my stomach? I don’t have…HHWWRRUUPPP…any idea what you’re talking about..”
Hilda simply stood there, her body wobbling from the force that came from the mighty belch she just released.

6 44

“Whatdya mean I’ve put on weight since this picture, I’m just the same as I was!” I loud grumble and groan could be heard from her stomach as she looked down with a blush. “Well, go on… you heard the thing.. find some food for me~..”

6 41

“Huff~.. I may have put on some weight in the new region.. but that doesn’t make me any less capable as a trainer, right~?”

17 94

"You better keep some pokepuffs on you when you lose against me and my team~!"

- DM’s and mentions open!

- Likes and RTs appreciated!

- Semi-selective and Semi-literate

- 18+ Only!

✨Kinks and other information below!✨

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