

My life a tragicomedy the way I be crying and laughing

フォロー数:724 フォロワー数:65

I put too much effort into dumb things.

2 18

1. Chibi style.
2. My regular style.
3. Manga inspired.
4. Persona 5 inspired.
I really don't know if I learned anything.

2 8

Jack in the Box Waifu.
Jacki-chan, as it were.

2 8

Portraits are the easiest thing to make, and I'd argue the better of the things I draw, but I do wanna expand into backgrounds and icons and whatnot.
Octobit Prompt 31: Bones

0 5

It was a coin flip between cat in the box or Metal Gear Solid in a box.
Octobit Prompt 30: Hidden

1 8

I seem to draw objects and portraits in a noticeably different style.
Octobit Prompt 29: A Song

1 3

Dark Souls Bonfire is basically a campfire right?
Octobit Prompt 28: Camping
(I'm not gunna be tagging the rest of the Octobit series since I'm pretty late. I will finish to the last prompt though.)

2 4

My Tief-sona, I suppose. My DnD character: Thyme.
Octobit Prompt 25: Your [Something]Sona

3 6

5 flavors of blue.
Octobit Prompt 24: Rainy Day

3 10

I swear I'm trying to be a better artist.
Octobit Prompt 20: Facial Expression

4 6