🌛Femboy Folklore🌜さんのプロフィール画像

🌛Femboy Folklore🌜さんのイラストまとめ

✨Prepare to have ur folklore femboyed✨
Femboy/catboy/witchboy who loves folklore.💫
Trans, queer. Anti-fascist. 18+ only 🔞

フォロー数:407 フォロワー数:508

Walter Crane (1845-1915), who created most of the illustrations used in this thread, is best known for his illustrations of fairy tales and children's books. As we can see here, he was also an avid supporter of labor organizing.

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These are only some of the many characters circulated throughout this form of digital folklore. As creepypasta is told & retold by different people with many different variations, creepypasta, at least in its earliest form, is a tradition that belongs to all 9/

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Creepypasta is a type of online urban legend. They are horror stories (and other medium) framed as if they were real & the most popular characters often recur in other stories. In the earlier days of creepypasta, stories were written anonymously & widely shared. 1/

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In the second option, the elves will try to entice you to go with them, because they are eager to continue with their move. First they will assume the form of someone you know to try & convince you, then they'll begin to offer you gifts, knowing exactly what you'd want. 5/

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You may not fall asleep or move any part of your body except your lips until sunrise. You then have two options:

1. Recite incantations to summon the elves

2. Wait for the elves to come across you. They will be compelled to stop when they see you! 4/

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In order to "sit out" on New Year's Eve, the reputed "moving day" for the elves, in Iceland you'll bring a grey cat & lay on top of a sheepskin, cover yourself completely with the hide of a seal or elderly ox, & stare at the edge of an axe blade, being in place by midnight. 3/

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Originally in Norway, this was practiced deep in the forest or on elf-mounds. This practice was later outlawed as witchcraft in Norway, but it persisted later in Iceland, where the designated location was at crossroads where all 4 directions lead directly to churches. 2/

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A popular motif involving the Devil in French-Canadian folklore is that of the Devil arriving at parties, where he appears as extremely handsome & a fantastic dancer. In these stories, his true identity is recognized often by children or a pious elderly woman.

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Scylla is a sea monster from Greek mythology featured most famously in the Odyssey, where she kills 6 of Odysseus's men. The witch Circe transformed her out of jealousy into a sea monster with 12 feet & 6 heads on long necks with 3 rows of shark-like teeth each.

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