Cassie Sterlingさんのプロフィール画像

Cassie Sterlingさんのイラストまとめ

Umbra Fangirl and loving to draw/sprite Warframe stuff. Also some Captura things. Profile Pic done by the amazing @DasterCreations !

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Here's a few Mega Man Zero-styled sprites I did a while back for Umbra and Ash. Both did use some Zero sprites heavily edited (although in Ash's case, it was Phantom, one of the bad guys). The smaller ones were done first.

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FINALLy also got my Drifter drawn after I finally got the Artist Block knocked from me. Given several of the Operator outfits are going to be fitted to Drifters soon, Here's to hoping the Bishamo Armor makes the cut. :D

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Been a while since I've drawn anything, but here's my Drifter version of Cassie, as I can't wait for when the Bishamo Armor finally gets to be worn by Drifters!

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