Alyssa 💜さんのプロフィール画像

Alyssa 💜さんのイラストまとめ

- She/They boo! Pronouns! scared u :)
- Cringe Twitch streamer ewww (Weekdays 11PM UCT)
- pfp by @BurntPxls

フォロー数:106 フォロワー数:148

She's small and fat and will empty your fridge if you let her out of your sight

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Will be back to streaming tomorrow

Didn't get any sleep last night because my brain decided it'd be funny to randomly get *way* too much energy when I wanted to go to sleep so I gave up trying and now I'm staying up until tonight

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Taking tonight off of streaming too, weekend went way too quickly for me and I still feel kinda shitty

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*hands u a fennec*

Smol draw done by during my last stream

Do not throw the fennec... Unless you're going for a really cool basket ball shot, then it's fine

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Oki yea that week went way too quick for me, so I'm gonna be takin another week off of streaming, sorry guys

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