

See ya! Off to 🟦☁️

フォロー数:803 フォロワー数:1622

I'm playing right now...

mfw when I died to a black knight, tried to run back... but got killed by a giant enemy crab on the way.

RIP 15k souls.

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Thanks for doing this and grats on the 5k!

I'm Fenrir74. I've had my twitter for a while but only recently became active! I do art on the side and occasionally do commissions for funzies. I also do art for some small publishing houses :)

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Here's the second piece from my previous For winner

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Alrighty, here's the finished piece for the winner from my last twitter raffle!
Made for

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Check out folks!
Gorgeous pixel art and an awesome soundtrack :)
I just HAD to make some fanart for it!

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Ninja cats.

Done as a gift for a good friend :)

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I've actually always wanted to try this...

To enter, just:
1. Be a follower (New followers welcome!)
2. Retweet!

2 winners will be selected on 04/30/19 - body/bust/head your choice!

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gib ball pls.

Trying a faster-turnaround style. Also, more cute.

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Here's a random piece I found on my computer from long long ago...

I never finished it, but I vaguely remember doing this one as a test for a new line style...

Also it was done for a request from a random on reddit who was quite rude so I never finished it for him/her

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I don't usually do fanart, but is the bestest boi and requires one!

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