Fenrishion || fulfilment ongoing!🧡💛💙さんのプロフィール画像

Fenrishion || fulfilment ongoing!🧡💛💙さんのイラストまとめ

sen yuzuka/iorwyn leucetius/eigis rangvei @ elemental

store CLOSED!! orders shipped out before end-JULY 2024.
inquiry: [email protected]

フォロー数:535 フォロワー数:14865

thanks for the opportunity! :3c
my commprices are https://t.co/ghPFa2a1c7 ~ will be open in a month or so?

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ohh thanks for the shoutout!
They're kinda closed at the moment but should be up again sometime end-Aug? C: (you can follow me for updates if you'd like!)

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Hello <3!
I'm Fen, a hobbyist artist who can never seem to decide on an artstyle??? -w-)b
I do comic doodles, draw, and resincraft!

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Simple scholar Miqo'te!
A commish for !
thank you C:

commission and waitinglist is closed for now! >< thank you everyone for your interest! but I really have to close it ;;

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Summer, sun, and waterguns!!!

A commish for !
thank you! C:

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A commish for !

Thank you so much! I had fun drawing her <3

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"Siblings are the only enemies you can't live without."

I finally drew Sen and Iorwyn together! my FFXIV kids, they give me so much serotonin ;;w;;
I love them so much!!!

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