Fenrishion || fulfilment ongoing!🧡💛💙さんのプロフィール画像

Fenrishion || fulfilment ongoing!🧡💛💙さんのイラストまとめ

sen yuzuka/iorwyn leucetius/eigis rangvei @ elemental

store CLOSED!! orders shipped out before end-JULY 2024.
inquiry: [email protected]

フォロー数:535 フォロワー数:14865

"I just think it's really cool—
...that on this leap year, I was given a whole extra day to love you."

Was meant for Feb 29th but I finished it on 1/3...
Happy (belated)Feb 29th!

92 351

Angelic beauty!
Commission for

Thank you! <3
(For those who msged me about comms, I'm sorry but I can't accept any more at the moment cos of internship and my job ><
I essentially work until 2-3am most days ;;v;;)

67 243

alternatively, it also brings us Miqo'te Men In Dresses (tm) and I cannot wait for that, either,

69 261

5.2 is out soon and with it brings us VIERA LADIES IN WEDDING TUXEDOES.

...I can't wait.

265 830

If I fits, I sits.

One man's...box, is another man's...Valentine's Day present...?

Happy Valentines!

226 578

arttrade with !!! :>

thank youu for doing this AT with me!
it cured some of my boredom slacking off in dad's hometown for the new year- wWW

17 64