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I arrived at the spoopy town with the spoopy music, completely ignored it and continued traveling to catch more pokemon. I got a bug type Porygon 2, a fighting/electric Wigglytuff, a dark/ground Dustox (which I released by accident) and a steel/dragon Dugtrio.
The artlocke continues and I managed to win my third gym badge! I continue exploring and find a fighting/bug Electabuzz, an electric type Salamance and finally at....rock tunnel? I found a fighting/fire Marshtomp (that's why it looks like Combusken)
I continued my journey yesterday, on the way to the third gym I caught a rock type Azurill, then on Diglett cave I caught a flying type Alakazam. In the city I fished and caught a rock type Furret and finally on route 10 I caught a grass/electric type Altaria.
Last time I couldn't draw two of the pokémon I captured but now I did! Steel type Mightyena and ground type Gorebyss. After beating Misty and MIPS (my rival) I caught an electric type Camerupt, failed to capture an Ursaring and ended in route 5 with a ghost/ground Tropius.
Third run! My starter this time was a steel type Bulbasaur! Along the way I caught a poison type Chikorita and a water type Electrode! (also caught a fire/grass Teddiursa but got immediately killed)
Yesterday I continued with the Artlocke and here are the pokémon I couldn't draw last time, it was hard to come up with an idea for a normal type Weedle and Kakuna.
Second run! I chose an ice/flying type Ralts as my starter and then on my way to the first gym I caught a dark/flying Zigzagoon, a normal type Weedle and a ghost type Wynaut. It was getting late so I didn't draw the Weedle and Wynaut, but I'll get to it later today.
I continued my way to Cerulean city and by mistake I started a fight with my rival (named him Mips after Mips the rabbit from Mario 64 cause he ruins my speedruns and I hate him) and he absolutely destroyed my team with his ghost type Kingler, ending the run. First game over.
While exploring Mt. Moon I kept making fun of Ledyba for having a terrible moveset, then one of the rocket grunts starts a fight using a Ledyba (which I kept making fun of) and before I defeat it, he poisons Graveler. I ran to the pokémon center but....Graveler didn't make it....