

NFT Collector & AI Artist - @CultDogs Canine Club 🐾 | Street Artificial | Floopz - ferretizer.eth.co | ferretz.eth | ghostware - #Woolfz 🐺

フォロー数:2736 フォロワー数:4573

Did I really just buy THE with a Kitsune Mask?

I really wanted one for some time already and it’s always sold out and now I’ve just grabbed this one 😻

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My first item from an artist I’ve met through the AWA community.

Trust by !

I absolutely 🖤 this representation of Trust and I am very happy if I can also contribute to the community and its amazing artists 😊

12 30

Just received this Hooded Girl as an amazing gift from my friend Mariah 🥰

I am glad to be an early supporter of your project and I totally 🤍 what you do.

Be sure to check also her new Dark Man project:

Hooded Girls are 🔥

6 20

Grabbed one of the New Oblivion Edition from 🤩

Generally I buy only 1/1 but after letting the Freaky Goddess Editions go and regretting afterward, I am not doing this mistake again ☺️

4 17

It's all about... Art with a Soul.

Four amazing and recent items that I want to highlight in this regard.

Freaky Goddess by
Aineka by
Black Hooded Girl by
Struggle is Real by

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