

He/him. Chinese-descent. Uni dropout. Loves Nico Robin & Violet Evergarden. ShadTwi originator. No socon weebs or minors allowed.🔞

フォロー数:343 フォロワー数:56

Manga/anime waifu: Nico Robin (One Piece)
Video game waifu: Kokoro (DOA)

I must say. I’m disappointed that I’m not seeing much love or fanart for the latter.

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I’m entertaining the thought of California secession for a New California Republic (NCR).

Now and the near future. It’s a bad idea. Unless the US cuts down on their military, California builds their own, and open diplomacy with countries in support of an independent CA.

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SW fans in the 2000s:
“There’s not enough strong female roles in the movies with only Leia and Padmé.”

By the time of Disney buyout with more female characters,
“Quit shoving your political agendas down our throats GET WOKE GO BROKE!”

Despite female characters before Disney.

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Fictional character personalities that remind me of me.

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My main waifu is Nico Robin. She is 6’2 (188 cm). I’m only 5’8 (173 cm).

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Monika in my Steam library with Bioshock and Fallout villains. Artist: idolnya. Commissioner and writer: me.

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Would it make any difference if Fox News, Daily Wire, and PragerU cease? Like say with a Thanos snap.

Maybe within months. Until another group of influential figures gather together. Another company would be formed to brainwash viewers to be socially conservatives.


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Zheng Jiang from Total War: Three Kingdoms.

Translation for those who are curious,
"Baka. It's not that I like you or anything."

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