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The US is best country in the world, is a myth. Scientifically; we aren't.
28th in Literacy from 1st
27th in Health Care from 6th
18th in High School Graduation from 1st
124th in Sexiness from 3rd
80th in Human Rights from 33rd
19th in Happiness from 5th
Science Day #23
Did you know that more than 80% of all conspiracy theories, memes, and strange news you get through them can be debunk with a simple search on google, bing, duck-duck-go, or with a political fact checker yet people's confirmation bias stops them from checking.
Science Day #22
I think I am 100% okay with making friendships on the basis of disliking fascism.
Reviewers, This is at you! If you do not offer solutions, alternatives, or a compromise to make something better; then the way it was done is just as valid as you saying it is bad. Same goes with debate, offer your alternative. Your dismissal is denial, not debate
Science Day #21
I am human therefore I am error. It is why we have multiple people verify results of a study or have voting recounts. But we do count all results to make sure we are not discounting potentially life altering results.
Science Day #20
There are multiple theories for how we deal with stress. Most are correct, just every person uses different ways. Spoon Theory, Meditation Theory, Happiness Theory, here is mine: Do what makes you happy. Period. You don't like it, find a way to make it tolerable.
Science Day #19
Platypuses have bio-luminescence. They glow blue-green. With duck bills, webbed feet, egg-laying, venom, and air sacks in their fur.
They are either alien lifeforms or the progenitor of all mammalian life.
Both possibilities are equally terrifying
Bonus Science
No Nut November is the dumbest thing I've heard scientifically. You decrease your lifespan, reduce how happy you are, and increase your frustration arbitrarily once a year
It should be something more positive and healthy than a random month of Puritan Discipline.
Science Day #18
You can create great works of fiction and be amazing as a person within those works and still be a completely disgusting person. These are not mutually exclusive. Celebrate the good, do not defend the bad; own up to all of it. Science Day #17