Fibro Bloggersさんのプロフィール画像

Fibro Bloggersさんのイラストまとめ

Connecting fibro bloggers, inspired by all the #fibro bloggers and their stories at Fibro Blogger Directory
#FibromyalgiaAwareness #FunnyFibro #FibroFriday

フォロー数:8349 フォロワー数:17565

on twitter
Once Upon A Fog Blog, advice from a purple 🦋

"Welcome! I'm a wife, writer and artist. My posts help to spread chronic illness, Fibromyalgia and mental health awareness."

2 11

is a chronic pain condition that is poorly understood. It is characterized by widespread pain and sensitivity.

41 108

The Weight of Fibromyalgia on My Body and Soul by Suzanne
at Fibro Mom Blog

8 13