

“Who I am or what I am, nobody seems to know!”
Art - @FierceCosmicArt

(DMs are for trusted mutuals only.)

フォロー数:2135 フォロワー数:2597



everyone shut up and look at low poly Q*Bert

2 21

With the amount of people upset over Bash not getting remade.
I think it wouldn't hurt to give it a digital re-release finally.
It never had one at all (except in japan) unlike all the other PSX games.
Put that shit on PlayStation Plus or something for free at least.

1 3

Stoopid Monkey >>> Bored Ape

1 8

What a time to be a Birdo fan

2 11

let's get him in Crash Team Rumble

2 16

okay, your loved one has caught a deadly case of pinkeye...
what would you do in this situation?

4 30