

All pronouns c Multifandom person c LGBTQ+ c Call me Aster c A kid on the internet

フォロー数:9 フォロワー数:1

Name's Aster! I'm a kid legally on twitter. I can be both dead inside or a chaotic mess and I draw mostly OCs, but I'm moving onto fan art rn maybe idk. I simp and if I simp I doodle but never post? And I gave off gremlin vibes in this tweet
Also i'm gay and hate lineart !

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The collector from TOH! <3 Next time I will draw them alongside Bill Cipher, they'd be best buddies, fight me.

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Happy birthday to me ( ╹▽╹ ) Drew this for my own pleasure!

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Ahh, I'm finally back with another piece! This was fun to make! I especially enjoyed making the little sheep on the shirt.

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My persona! Hope we get to know eachother well <3 I'm not a new artist, neither am I new to sharing my stuff, but now I actually have a name to my art. Posting all art I've done in the recent few months in a minute!

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