

Family #1 | Blessed | Spread Joy not Hate
The Plague | Moar Frogs
Life is a Journey - LIVE it!

フォロー数:3138 フォロワー数:2999

Definitely recommend

1. Strongest community (won community of the month 5 months last yr).
2. Founder that gets NFTs
3. Several revenue streams (swamp water, supply chain, acorne, hikeshi, and more)

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Three things I love about this frog:

1. Getting you in the pond
2. Clean AF
3. Cigars are always a good look
4. That skin - hype!
5. Earn that sweet $frg nectar

Welcome to the pond - great frog!

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Nice frog! Love it here! Need me a red frog too.

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Missed the favorite frog part. I'm working on my reading skills...

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Welcome to froggsville! Great pick up!

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