

Lesbian gamedev, making art/games with LGBT+ (especially L) characters in a variety of genres.
Working on: firecat1311.itch.io/stdeq

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:558

is this the game where cooking mama will finally be introducing us to the OTHER cooking mama, her wife

3 10

Instead of bothering with going to bed at a reasonable time (insomnia troubles) I felt like drawing something soft

1 14

I've got resting bitch face but only exclusively when I'm doing game dev. every time even when I'm just writing or drawing cute characters, solving interesting code problems, or making cool action bits, I look absolutely FURIOUS

0 10

This girl just can't sit still... careful where you're waving that gun around, Katy

12 31

She doesn't have to time to be brushing her hair, she's got haywire robots and rogue mecha pilots to defeat

15 46

by the way here's what happens if you just try to rely on blender's default weight painting.........

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