

Lesbian gamedev, making art/games with LGBT+ (especially L) characters in a variety of genres.
Working on: firecat1311.itch.io/stdeq

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:558

the game is being worked on very slowly but surely; here's a little bit of an upgrade for some old portraits, plus some new girls

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he's cool and all but my first thought is always *this* Yakumo closely followed by her fox daughter and her fox daughter's cat daughter

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even if you don't post tara I will

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I am suffering because of this terrible bastard child and he knows full well that only I will ever know what he has done to me
chocolate square lookin mcnugget box lookin mf

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I know twitter will murder the image quality as it always does but ey, inspired by the side-scrolly bits in some of the old zeldas
trying a less-is-more approach, to make something that looks alright with as few different tiles as possible

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i couldnt just stand by and watch her suffer

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I have been told there is a resemblance

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Orange cream flavor, just as promised

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I'm here, I'm queer, I'll kick those zombies in the rear

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