

-I draw whore men sometimes

-Broke ass 24 y/o college student

- FFXIV/Trigun (VW)/other assorted fandoms

-He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️

フォロー数:848 フォロワー数:161

I'm an NB lesbian that likes drawing, FFXIV, Genshin Impact, and crafting random shit I see on pinterest like any good, upstanding lesbian

And ladies. . . I'm single😘

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QRT with you first digital art vs you most recent

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WIP of Jethro, after not drawing since January im glad that this picture isnt super frustrating and im having a lot of fun rendering it :)

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my schedule has been thrown off entirely by getting a new job but im trying to get back into the grove again. . . hopefully

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havent seen many people giving love to keqing cause people feel like her banner is wasted but as she is the only standard banner 5* I dont have and I dont feel the need to get c1 xiao or a hu tao AND want at least c1 bennett and as many ningguang's as I can carry Im going for it

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Planned on doing more for this picture but lost me momentum from last night so its done now i guess :P

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is trending, time to show some of the Xiao art I was sitting on for good luck rolling :3

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I told myself I'd post all my daily artwork no matter what but I'm still not super happy with this piece, she isnt... cute enough

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I may not be rolling for her but I wish all the Ganyu simps luck, merry simping!!!

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