

Im Pixie! 🔞 I draw, and I write and review Adult Novels! Warning my account is often NSFW, I read weird, adult, fucked up books & like to talk about them!

フォロー数:1193 フォロワー数:816

And finally, Reh'kavak, the tentacled King of the Monster Kingdom! He's a sadist as well, but he is much less into enthusiastic masochists, and more into screaming and crying. And if he doesn't like you, he won't just kill you... he'll come up with something MUCH more creative ;)

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I am PLEASED to introduce to you all Kazumi! He is a vampire lord, and is a sadist in the market for a cute lil masochist. If you play your cards right, he'll keep for all eternity, but if you prove too resistant, you won't be worth the effort ;)

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My vore erotica short story is up on Amazon and available for kindle! Hari is captured by the sorcerer Liu, and finds himself on an alien dinner table! in the Liu series!

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YESSSSSS this is absolutely my main ship for this game woihrlerdgheqrgtrer

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New COCK VORE short story available on Amazon! When Detective Martin goes into the lair of known sex magician Liu, he get's more than be bargained for when he falls right into Liu's hands >:3


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Kau is the BEST boy <3

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ITS!! HIM!!!

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