

Passionate Photographer Promoting fishing though my photography. Instagram: @fishshots_charleswaldorf Email:[email protected]

フォロー数:365 フォロワー数:940

Been loosing so many smallie fishing lately I had to paint some more!

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" missed first bite at 10:07am. Livewell Weight 0-0. Full Leaderboard: hjhfkjhjndjvuidhl" Well played!

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I spy a giant life size version of at the entrance of the 2014 Photo Plus Expo in NYC. *notmyphoto

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Favorite stop on the roadtrip!

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Must be something going on in our neck of the woods.

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One more view. I could fit my fist in it's mouth.

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Going through withdrawal, who knew sleeping in a car, waking up at 4:15am following fishermen w/a camera was so fun!

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U didn't think I could watch all that coverage and not go catch a small almost limit. Did ya?

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