Name's Fish and/or TNP! makin comics, drawin pics (check Media to see my art) | ze/zir | 22 yo | Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:410 フォロワー数:1312

I forgot about so I'm playing catch up! I can't really choose a favorite gal, but I like drawing Jade a whole bunch so here she be

39 106

It's a given that there are A LOT of Dirks

47 179

If he keeps this up, there's gonna be more flavors of Jake than there are ice cream

63 211

Another little portraiture!

20 62

Some doodles from the drawpile! Featuring animal davekat, jade, and javepeta!

11 68

I miss my dirkjake fusion, Jirk, so have him with his favorite puppet.

81 315

Calliope's signature candy soup!

29 99

A pair of paint sketches!

50 151