

Phytochemist/Artist. Just strolling through Web3.0 - @meetnippy @HippieLifeKrew @SpaceRiders_NFT @Cosmodinos @SEIDucks @dobnfts @ALIVE1111nfts @Seipalnft #68

フォロー数:5037 フォロワー数:2546

HMMM yall smell that? It's the are cookin up beautiful artwork not to mention a supporting and exciting community. CosmoDino Gods are for sale on secondary, with the full collection to release soon.
Love at first sight for me. 😍 DevilDinoGod 😍

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It's a great day to be a donut.
I just ate one. NOT A LOOPY ONE. A real one. I'm not a monster.

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I Grabbed a few gods up for grabs on

Only 9 more up at for sale at original pricing of .05 eth.
Each God gets you a free Cosmodino and extra perks. They have been flyingggg today.

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Who else but FED? This man would give the crimson chin a run for his money.

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This Fed (Ed) perv is one of my premiere acquisitions since I've entered the NFT space. Ed has always held a place in my heart as one of my favorite cartoon characters ever. I got lucky and won minting rights to him in a raffle over at the discord.

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Damn thats a crazy cow. Look at them lightnin shrooms growin out its nasals.

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Ya'll know I had to grab me a piece before that floor gets destroyed. Dope artwork. Glad I got a fire one so light up my herbs.

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Well technically, it was only after the second perv. ;) Had to get em a mascot friend.

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You know when you just feel like you've leveled up?
My heart is exploding with lovely disgust for these foul creations.
When you know, you know.
Glad to join the fam.
Ya'll do not want to be sleeping on these thangs.

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When you forgot you minted a sacred devil, and realize it might just be rare.
Pink Skin ☑️
Pink Tail ☑️
Pink Robot Trident☑️
Laser eyes☑️
Dad Hat ☑️
Background ☑️
Shoutout reminding me I even owned one.

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