

Otterbug || Pink Deer || Kangaroo Rat || 12 At Heart (27) || Artist || Dungeon Master || @Glow_Wuff's Designated Bully || They/Them || Asexual

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:1634

admittedly, i am le tired already, again, so, nap


5 22

regular get-up at ledge

1 9

reposting this cuz i love it a lot

22 56

havin' a normal one

1 10


0 4

i lied, i threw some shading on

NOW i sleep

0 15

my art's going through a bit of a shift, bear with me, have a sketch

4 44

for your consideration:

15 82

one of my pathfinder groups had our last session last night,, and this rat

oooo im getting emotional aAh I LOVE HIM I CAN'T BELIEVE HE LIVED im in a state

0 1