

Publishing and distributing fiction and non-fiction for children, youth, and adults.

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So many great books to choose from!
Canadian picture books for the younger readers...

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Coming to next week?

Meet author and illustrator who will be signing copies of LUCKY ME booth 520 on Thursday, Jan 31 at 1 PM. Jan will also be signing 's new picture book THE COLD LITTLE VOICE!!
Two great

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It's - discover all the ways to say "Thank You" in different languages from around the world!

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Congratulations for the Starred Selections in the new Best Books for Kids & Teens

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"After reading this book to children, they could be asked to give examples of what they are thankful for in their life." (Resource Links)

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Praise for Lucky Me in Midwest Book Review: " Lora Rozler celebrates the concepts of luck and thanks...illustrated by the distinctly joyous artwork of ...unreservedly recommended."

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Lora Rozler will be signing copies of her new picture book LUCKY ME at the Fitzhenry & Whiteside Booth 520 Thursday at 10 a.m.
Hope to see you there!

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Author reads from "Gabby: Wonder Girl" for World Read Aloud Day!

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Here's a recipe from author for Mrs. Oldham’s Apple Pie, as seen in Gabby: Wonder Girl!

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