

Archive of selected artwork by Grant Buist, search with #DailyBrunswick and #Jitterati. DMs checked very, very infrequently.

フォロー数:361 フォロワー数:1222

"Have you ever heard of 'cause and effect'?"

0 7

"Jello Man recoils in utter confusion..."

0 3

"He's reaching a difficult stage known as the 'coffee plateau'"

0 7

Luckily, cartoonists have no such scruples.

0 1

"It only knew one song... and that was by S Club 7"

0 7

"No no, Frank and Nigel were still in the band then."

0 1

"The day I confide my innermost feelings to you is the day I have my frontal lobes replaced with an aubergine."

0 5