

I'm a #pixelartist / animator.
You'll mostly see gun stuff here and occasionally some other things.
Certified beard enthusiast.
Program: #aseprite

フォロー数:170 フォロワー数:1856

The Beretta I am animating btw

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Got the roblox hands lmao

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Here's the guns sprites from the stalker inventory sepperately

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Some of my most recent/favorite guns that I drew.

It's on a stupid small image because my Aseprite crashed so I lost the files and this was the only screenshot I had left lol.
I have all the guns on another saved canvas btw just not this one

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Finally drew something up again. Wasn't really feeling like drawing lately, but now I think I want to do some more again. Kinda feeling the scifi type weapons at the moment!

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Waterpipe Shotgun from Rust
Quite the silly

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Might animate MP5 next

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I don't know if anyone else does this or if i'm the only one but I tend to spend months with just 1 canvas lol. Like I will probably keep this canvas that I have now till like February

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Silly gun. Was going to do post apocalyptic but like, this is more Warhammer ish lol. Might mess around a bit more with the goofy designs

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