

Sheep Vtuber, I'm Native American, shy but I like making new friends. Always gaming Apex 🎮
🔞Nsfw account @SheepyMcBaa

{ He / she / they / them/ Sheep/ Baa }…

フォロー数:1610 フォロワー数:455

I downloaded the demo but never got to play it.

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so luckyyyy 😭i am still trying to roll for him. I got yao something, lil midget twice and toma.

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Merry KissMas and Happy Holidays everyone, hope you all have a great day and take it easy.

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I done like over 60 rolls and have not got a 5 star

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literally all I want. Be in call, we both do our own things. Don't need to talk but just knowing someone chilling is nice.

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