

Instagram: @fmwild57
- amateur paleoartis, animal illustrator and creature designer

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Anorith, reason: le shrimp

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Frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus)

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. My name is Frank and I essentially do real world animals (often marine animals) in . I really like sharks 🦈 and whales 🐳!

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These are just some of my sharks, plus some doodles I usually make but don't publish

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Sharks kill from 4 to 5 people per year, while humans kill around 70 millions sharks every year and they are slowly fading away from our oceans... Coloration based on Marc Dando's illustration.

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The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is a huge arctic dogfish known for the fact that it can live up to more than 500 years, it's the longest living vertebrate! Read my comment

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Coloration inspired on 's illustration.

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The Oceanic whitetip shark is a pelagic carcharhinid shark known for its big and rounded fins with white tips. Its one of the most dangerous sharks to humans and it usually follows pods of pilot whales in order to eat their fecal matter.

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The Abertonectes is an extinct marine reptile of the family elasmosauridae that dates back to the Late Cretaceous. It was found in Alberta, Canada and is known as the longest plesiosaurid to have ever existed.

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This month's first creature is the Kronosaurus! (kronosaurus queenslandicus). A huge and ferocious extinct marine reptile that dated back to the Early cretaceous (100 million years ago) and reached the impressing lenght of more than 10 meters!

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