Tea Hourさんのプロフィール画像

Tea Hourさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:41320 フォロワー数:44990

Hatter didn't want to go to work too early this morning,
But Hat had no intention of being late.
So Hat went on ahead without Hatter... :-)

15 14

Have a nice cup of tea every morning no matter the day.
This will help the mind & body coordinate...

But keep hold of your hat, remembering, you don't want it to go on ahead without you :-)

16 12

Morning from Wonderland...

It's been a busy one this week, I did start a day late.

(I spent the entire Monday nonstop sipping tea)

"Alice put the kettle." Said Hatter

14 13

Looks through the catalogue of products (throws out several cats, at the same time wondering how they got in there in the first place?)

Here we go... HATs


Wishing you a great Friday ahead... https://t.co/QKLbzMi6m0

12 7

When one realises life is but an illusion: -
One then steps into the actuality
That reality isn’t real…

11 12

Morning from Wonderland

Have a great Thursday ahead...

For breakfast were serving: -

Bacon & Egg, followed by
Toast :-)

14 13

Morning from Wonderland

I've just had tea & toast
Did tea & toast just had me?

A perplexing question indeed, perhaps if I have another tea
The answer will come to me :-)

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