

This account has been created specifically to bring in Shantae into the biggest crosover game know as Super Smash Brothers! Pic draw by @Fire_Voyager Ret To Go!

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While i dont think we ever are gonna get a Playstation character due to Sony being Sony i still think its fun to think about and besides i never though we get Banjo or Steve due to Microsoft yet here we are👀 So if it was up to you what Playstation character would you like to se?

5 17

So your going N SANE RIGHT?!🥴🥴.............

Annnnnd im out of here!!!!!!!

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Who i thik it is


Who i want it to be


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Honestly Nier Automata is one of the best Hack and Slash games in recent years for me id buy a Switch port in a heartbeat!!
I really hope this happens!

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If and this is a big IF!! We were to get another Square rep in any form who do you think is the most likely?
Im genuinely curious here 🤔

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The design has changed a bit since Riskys Revenge

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And lets be clear here we dont need a 3rd one Ultimate is already the biggest crosover game ever made Sakurai and the team deserves a break regardles this is just food for thougts

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