

Painting stuff - anthros (on the soft side of NSFW) & ponies & spacescapes.

...please please be 18+!

フォロー数:308 フォロワー数:105

What's these spots? I see a busty bun

0 4

Hugged and collared. Because hugs and collars are BEST together.

1 7

What took so long? What happened?
Disciples II. Disciples II happened.

Snek booba! ( <-- alt version here)

1 7

ATG XI d27
"Draw a pony experiencing failure / Draw a pony tasting bitter defeat"
Let's call it a "Defeated by time itself". I wanted to go into some darker topics - such as "immortal you watching your friends die one by one of old age".

12 31

ATG XI d17
"Draw a pony being inspired"
Spike is inspired. Also, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres is. Was.
La Grande Odalisque.

42 200

ATG XI d14
"Draw a pony breaking every rule in the book."
If you have three wolves in you and you feed all of them you get what? Fat. You get fat.
Also, Copernicus isn't really cutting it for Equestria as a rule book.

15 75

ATG XI d12
"Draw a pony visiting a strange new land / Draw a pony visiting where no pony has gone before"

Space travels. Lotsa new stuff to see. Also, 79 moons!

10 39

"Draw a pony as another species"

"...and given the circumstances, I insist on using the Royal We from now on!"

26 85

NATG 2021 Day 3 - pony bursting with emotion.
There is a cat in the picture.

11 79