FoxiFyer | fox lvls: norml (good)🦊🦊🦊さんのプロフィール画像

FoxiFyer | fox lvls: norml (good)🦊🦊🦊さんのイラストまとめ

30 year old dude who is actually 10 foxes in a human costume

I draw stuff

Stuck in 1999, Motorsports fan, Hazbin's pretty cool, Takes level: Medium spice…

フォロー数:567 フォロワー数:1387

Wile I don't have my anniversary pic finished tonight, enjoy some fan art I've made over the summer in the mean time, Happy 3rd anniversary Undertale! One of a small handful of games that I feel have shaped me as a person a bit.

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a little AU design for Asriel I've been tossing around in my head for a wile, so decided to finally draw it. There really isnt a story to the AU, it's just Asriel grown up living on the surface world, so pretty much just a vehicle for drawing picture ideas.

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just some pose practice to get back in the swing after a 4 day break. Cooper strikes a pose.

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---Was fun making all the fan art for the likes of games, friends, youtubers and so on, but now I'm gonna focus on my own creations once again, and for the first time in years, I actually have the drive to get there. Let's do this.

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