

フォロー数:664 フォロワー数:346

If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

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... I think I'm gonna start to become religious.
No~! it's not "just for a woman", sheesh.
(okay maybe a little)

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maybe something from G-gundam? I kinda like the idea of Lucien as the Devil Gundam considering *SPOILERS*

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For Caleb I'm having a bit of trouble.
I want to either do an IBO design or a Zaku 1.
since both Beau and Caleb are empire folk I want them to have the same gundam style but due to caleb's backstory and relationship to the empire, a modified Zaku one would work well symbolically.

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I do have the build divers higher than sky Raiser variant if I do want to do something "actually Raisery" but lets be honest, look at this BULKY ASS THING. That is not a feeble Dork Orc if you ask me.

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(*RG Wing Gundam ZERO EW is finally in my HLJ Warehouse*)
YEEEEEESSSSS. SOON (Give or take a year to actually get the paints and change up some parts on both.)

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... I'm so glad I decided to never watch Fate... I can't even with these designs...

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You know... Today wasn't so horrible after all ;u;
Thank you

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Currently trying to make A prototype plaplate custom version of THIS SWORD, for Al Azif.
Fun fact, A rendition of this sword, WAS Supposed to be in one of the original concept arts for Al Azif. Guess who left it out? Hint, she ripped me off.

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