

Comic book artist/illustrator and 3D artist

Working on a monster taming videogame!!!

Lv 26 - Cartoonist with the soul of a paleontologist and biologist

フォロー数:709 フォロワー数:4601

⭐️Christmas special⭐️

An unknown Pokémon has appeared in the vicinity of the Kamura village!

98 526

Lo malo de ser guionista y dibujante en un cómic que llevas tú solo es que en el guión te flipas mucho y luego no quedas contento con el dibujo 😂

3 21

Bulbasaur but it´s literally a Bulbasaurus, an extinct genus of herbivorous dicynodont

528 2648

Mi top 9 de este año en redes. Yo creo que ha sido un buen año 😬

7 54

Colossal legendary pokémon that swim through the Great Desert, smashing obstacles with their spiral horns

66 237

Hi! I'm FranDrawer and i love to draw paleoart and design creatures!
I hace Instagram and Artstation!

11 36

Pokémon with unique jaws and tusks that they use to sift through rocks for prey. They use their powerful hind legs to traverse steep terrain.

94 469