

Illustrator | イラストレーター | Draws from time to time.

game dev: @FranhamDev

フォロー数:587 フォロワー数:21689

Thank you for commissioning me to draw your OC, Orphea!

We cook on this one 😤 Very fun character to draw as well!

6 83

Someone commissioned me to draw Kii! Thank you!

Its been awhile since I drew some Azur Lane stuff. Had fun drawing Kii's outfit ☺️

84 604

March commissions open~!

You can contact me here or fill-up the google form o7

3 slots open

14 136

Thank you for commissioning me to draw your cat girl OC!

I liked how she turned out 😌

87 704

Thank you for commissioning me to draw your OC again!

Really enjoyed drawing them again 😌🙏

133 877

WIP | Finally back again 🙃

14 197

Commission for

Had fun drawing their OC Yun! Very good character design 😌🙏

33 396

Thank you for commissioning me to draw Space Girl, 😏👉

Had fun doing the water effects hehe

75 595

WIP | Used a ref 😌👌

231 1817

