

Gender:Aesthetic Creature/Type-moon trash/Oh, Thank Goodness the little macho's Okay... /BG3/FFXIV/My Life: I don't understand what I'm doing/Doing ok

フォロー数:1030 フォロワー数:236

It's done, you are the only son I would ever have (Thak you Pakol

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I got: Green stuff 🍀

You know what to do.....

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Some examples of epic moments:

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Por fin, el rey me ha dado la llave de su alcoba, pues nada, habrá que ponerse el mejor salto de cama que tenga (Mis calzoncillos azules del mercado, que son mu sexys)

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Pues ya estaría (Os he dicho lo MUCHO que me gusta este arte? Good Redjuice)

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And he is so cool, I love my new skin

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That was hard, but........... Look that furro hottie, that's a handsome kitten

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