

Illustrator Cartoonist 2D Game Artist. Art Dictator of @crysoftdev team! 😎 Recently worked on #SushiThree - Now working on a new exciting project with @mms_lab

フォロー数:2002 フォロワー数:2107

This is not my best time, lately I don't draw much. But I couldn't resist, I had to work on Baby Yoda too!
With his big eyes he bewitched the web, like a hypnotic 😅🤣🥰

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Ignobile baciapile intrattenitore e mago delle gag..."mi siedo lì", "mi siedo là",andiamo non siamo tutti così imbecilli! Il Cuore Immacolato di Maria,citazioni di Santi Papi...siamo sul baratro con l'influencer pronto per la spintarella

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What do you think about our the new character for the upcoming game made in ?As Art Dictator,i'd like to have some feedback on this funny guy!

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Late thanks and happy Monday to my friends have a fabulous&creative week❤️

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The ultimate SpaceMonkey Suit!Go where no monkey has gone before! 🐒🚀

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please☺️which of these three graphic you believe more curious and interesting for a promo?❤#gamedev

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Happy wednesday friends!Every day's a happy shitty day!It's up to you if it will happy or shitty!

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