Free League Publishingさんのプロフィール画像

Free League Publishingさんのイラストまとめ

Creators of The Walking Dead Universe RPG, Dragonbane, Blade Runner RPG, The One Ring™ , ALIEN RPG, Vaesen, Forbidden Lands, Symbaroum & Tales From the Loop.

フォロー数:1625 フォロワー数:19786

So, which one of our upcoming releases 2022 do you look forward to the most?

💀Vaesen: Mythic Britain & Ireland
😱ALIEN RPG: Heart of Darkness
⚔️ The One Ring™: Ruins of the Lost Realm
❄️Vaesen: Seasons of Mystery

Let us know😊

26 184

Every battle, no matter how harmless it may seem, can end in horrible wounds or even death.

Therefore, before you enter any fight, you should always ask yourself: is it really worth it?


Back Dragonbane on Kickstarter & try out the Quickstart ->

10 59

Are you Bastonn Bloodjaw?🪓
Tired of your people’s feuds, you longed of more & left. Took on work as a mercenary, gladiator, & guardsman. Now you are heading for Misty Vale, enticed by rumors of mighty monsters.
Play the Dragonbane RPG Quickstart ->

10 49

Dear adventurer, a word of advice before you head out into the wilderness. Remember that every fight you enter may wear you down, no matter how strong or brave you are.
Back Dragonbane on Kickstarter!
Curious? Download & play the Quickstart ->

7 43

It is true that dragons, demons, gods, & spirits influence magic and can guide the sorcerer who wields it.
Each school of magic has different view on what magic is & how it works: Animism, Elementalism, and Mentalism.

Back Dragonbane on Kickstarter!

7 42

You are an adventurer and it is now completely up to you to decide what your player character thinks and feels, what they do and say.

However, you do not decide what happens to them…


Back the Dragonbane RPG on Kickstarter ->

9 48

Dragonbane/Drakar och Demoner is a classic fantasy RPG full of magic, mystery, & adventure. 🐉
Designed to facilitate fast & furious play, with short prep time & adventures that are a breeze to run.⚔️
Back it on & play the Quickstart Guide ->

11 66

You are an adventurer in your heart & soul, ready to risk your life in search of glory. Maybe in it for the thrill of encountering strange beasts & foes?

A world filled with wonder lies ahead.


Back Dragonbane/Drakar och Demoner RPG on Kickstarter!

16 59

Dragonbane/Drakar och Demoner is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast & furious play. ⚔️
We call this playstyle "mirth & mayhem roleplaying" – great for long campaigns, but also perfect for a one-shot.
On Aug 30, sign up here ->

9 52

Dragonbane/Drakar och Demoner is a classic fantasy RPG full of magic, mystery, & adventure.


Designed to facilitate fast & furious play, with short prep time & adventures that are a breeze to run.


On August 30.
Sign up here ->

6 39