

Creator of the Transmission and Incomplete Control comics, builder of fighting robots ^^. Animator @Furcationevent

フォロー数:633 フォロワー数:1118

Quick pic of Jules from Kat-Venture for

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To commemorate the reissue of De La Soul’s iconic debut album 3 Feet High And Rising, Lupine Assassin suggested I make something for it, so here is a reworking of the cover sleeve featuring myself, himself and our friend on the cover.

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Took me a while to get around to this one because I’ve had higher priorities but it’s time for Pierce’s swansong from the James Bond series, widely regarded as the Batman & Robin of the franchise. My Patreon supporters made suggestions and the fencing scene got most mentions ^^.

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He is Death. Straight up. ❤️

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"STOP! STOP! It isn't finished!"

The pretitle sequence in The World Is Not Enough stands out as one of the best in the series, particularly with that epic boat chase along the Thames. And in 1999 the O2 was the Millennium Dome :P

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"Welcome! Please fasten seatbelt and obey all instructions"
"Thought you'd pay more attention to a female voice"
"...I think we've met!"

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Jeanette modelling a "cageball" jersey for Long Beach Dynamite, a sport and team created by who suggested she should model it :D

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We begin the Pierce Brosnan era with my favourite pre-title sequence in the whole James Bond whole series! Sorry but no Xenia Onatopp here, though arguably Ourumov is pretty entertaining too. And of course "Facility" is the ultimate level in the videogame spinoff :P

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Based on an idea suggested to me. Oh, and merry xmas ^^.

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